Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Things Leaders Do

So today in class we learned about how leaders are doers and got a list of ten things that a leader must do or skills they must have. This list is: focus, mission, risk taking, goal setting problem solving, communication, conflict resolution, modeling, finish strong, and multiply yourself (figuratively, not really literally although that is a command from God). And now for our assignment we get to answer three questions about this list!!!!

Question #1: Which of these actions or qualities am I naturally or deliberately better at? I believe that I am best at modeling or as I like to call it (because I don't want to be a model) leading by example. I may not be the best motivator or problem solver or people person, but if you give me a job I will do it, and if someone else is doing something that I can help with I will be there. This next weekend with the volunteers that I'll be in charge of I'm planning on setting up some visual aids to help with the training, and when we're cleaning up after a meal or doing whatever I will be right there with them working to get the job done and to keep them working.

Question #2: Which of these ten actions or qualities do you need to improve on the most as a leader? I would have to say probably conflict resolution. I totally shy away from conflict. If there is the possibility for conflict I will do my best to avoid that situation either by not saying anything or by saying something else. If I think that something I might say could hurt someone else's feelings very rarely will I say it (although I am getting better at speaking my mind).  But I also tend to ignore the "elephant in the room" when there is some conflict.

Question #3: What is you action plan to work on this quality? I think that i need to keep in mind that conflict resolution is a good thing and, yes, it might be uncomfortable and awkward for al ittle bit, but in the long run resolving conflict keeps that awkwardness to a minimum. And as I'm growing and maturing and experiencing life I'm coming to realize that most of the things that I think of as being scary aren't that scary. And this also ties into risk taking because trying to resolve conflict can be taking a risk cause you could end having people hate you or you can get everyone to be friends again. So I think that most of my action plans will be keeping in mind that action is worth it and not really as scary as I've made it out to be.

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