Friday, February 17, 2012

Doing Flows out of Being

Today in class we talked about how "doing flows out of being". We talked about caterpillars and butterflies and how a caterpillar IS already a butterfly in what it is, and eventually it ACTS like a butterfly. At the end of the lesson there were five suggestions for "being". They were Experiencing (like nature) feeling (keeping track of your feelings throughout the day and bring God into the moment) listening (for God and doing what He says) reflecting (thinking about your day and talking to God about it) and waiting (praying and trusting God to take care of things).

So I have recently been trying (with limited success) to sit down before I go to bed and thank God for the things that happened that day. So I have been doing some reflecting to try and become more thankful and keep things in perspective. I have also been "waiting" to hear from God about college for next fall. A few weeks ago I was totally stressing because I had no idea if I wanted to go to ISU or NWC in Orange City, and my mom reassured me that I didn't have to make a decission and to just trust God. So I have prayed for God's guidance and the last few weeks have been relatively stress free! I had alsorecently  been feeling like God wanted me to tell my family about my struggle with lust. But at first I was like, "No, way. That's something I could never do." I grew up under the impression that talking about sex was sinful because it was never mentioned in my house, so for me admitting to my family that I struggle with lust was a giant. But then yesterday I realized that I hadn't shared my first semester of LAUNCH reflective essay with my family, and in it I talked a little bit about my battle with lust, so I emailed it to them. So I guess the cat's out of the bag now, but I'm glad that it is.

So for our assignment I think we're supposed to pick one of the five things that we haven't already tried, and try it out. So since it's still a little bit cold outside, and I don't really like being cold I'm gonna try to notice my emotions throughout the day and bring God in with them. That kinda sounds like an action plan to go with so I believe that I'm done here!

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