Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Leadership Lesson #2

So it looks as though I will be putting up a new blog every day for this second semester, so prepare for lots of random assignments!!!!

Today in class we talked about 2 different expeditions to the south pole and compared the two to see which one would have the better chance of success. After doing that our homework for today was supposed to be planning a trip to Mars, however Brett, our wonderfully wise superbly smart teacher, decided we should plan a mission trip to an unreached people group.

I have decided to take my trip to Djibouti. It is a tiny country sandwiched in between Ethiopia and the Red Sea or the Gulf of Aden with Yemen just across the water in Northeast Africa. Djibouti is a hot dry desertish country where 97% of the population is Muslim, but 55% has been unreached by the Gospel.

Now as leader of this expedition I would want to have a background in Bible teaching, maybe a little medical background and some mechanical stuff too. I would like to have a 5 person team, 2 of which would be me and my wife. It would be nice if someone on the team was a linguist and could learn the language quickly, someone who knows the area, and someone who can fix things. It wouldn't take too horribly long to plan, just long enough to raise support, find a job and transportation for when we're there, and make reservations for plane tickets. Once there we would have to take some time to learn the language, the culture, and get grounded in the area. Once we have earned people's respect or at least gotten people used to the idea that we're staying. After we have built connections and repute and learned the language then we could start doing ministry. As for technical aspects of the trip, we would have to find a place to stay, and mode of transportation. It is a very hot climate, so we would have to adjust to that and make sure that we have access to lots of clean water whether that means flying in bottles of water or building a well. So yeah, there's my fantasy mission trip to Djibouti!

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