Thursday, February 16, 2012

Leadership Involves Being

So yesterday we talked about how there are two sides to leadership just like the saying there's two sides to every coin, or something like that. And yesterday we talked about the doing side of leadership, so today we talked about the being side of leadership. And the same as yesterday we got a list of ten characteristics for the being leader. They are: humility, commitment, intergrity, faith, obedience, courage, wisdom, compassion, perseverance, and vision. Now I must choose one of them that I am not all that good at (which doesn't make a whole of sense to say because we're talking about being and "good" denotes action) and explain why not and then come up with an "action plan" to become better at it (?).

Now I'm thinking that since I'm having a hard to picking one that I don't have I should choose humility, but I think I'm gonna go with my own answer. I'm going to say that I need to learn HOW to be rather than just doing doing doing. I have been a doer my whole life. My spiritual gift is service which is ALL about doing. I love working and being in action and doing stuff. I'll go crazy if I can't move around and do something. For my whole life I have also been held under the belief that God's love for me and even my salvation depended on how little or much I sinned. Yes, I knew all the verses about how salvation is not able to end, but that's not how I lived my life or what my heart believed. I was always scared that when I sinned God was upset, and I would always get really scared when I would read in Psalms about how "the hand of the Lord is upraised" which would make me try to control my sin which wouldn't work. But I have been learning this year how much that is not true and that in fact the opposite true. So I need to "work on" being a child of God instead of trying to become a child of God. I need to learn how to live out of who God says that I am and trust that His power is sufficient for me.

So I suppose my "action plan" for "learning how to" BE would be spending time with God in His Word soaking it up and learning about God and His grace and love and also praying........a lot.

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