Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leadership Types

Today in class we learned about leardership types. The four types of leaders are: doers, thinkers, relaters, and movers. We took an assessment, and I found that I'm 90% doer (big surprise there!). After that we went through strengths and weaknesses of each type, and then we went through a list of ministry responsibilities. We were supposed to go through them and pick out the ones that we like to do, and now we're supposed to give an example of one of them. And talk about if our type changed from going through our experiences.

Well I'm pretty much a doer through and through. Going through the experiences I had five things that doers like to do and three that weren't high on doing. The thing that I like doing best is working behind the scenes doing things that are pretty routine and mundane, but without them stuff couldn't happen on stage. I love to work and do things for people when they don't know who or sometimes even what I do or am.

I also said that I enjoy "acting, singing or performing music". Now I know that I can't act or sing, but I absolutely loved band, and I miss it. I'd really like to learn how to play guitar and continue learning the trap, so I can play music, but at the same time I find that it's the background music that I want to play, not the main stuff. I also enjoy writing which along with performing are things that thinkers usually enjoy.

 I had one relater thing that I like to do which is caring for hurting people. Just this past week a student from Clear Lake died, and my heart goes out to all the students and everyone who has been affected by this tragedy. If anyone from Clear Lake is reading this I'd like to encourage you with the verses from Ephesians 4:6-7 "......in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." May the peace of God guard your hearts and minds!

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