Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Learning Styles

Today in class we talked about the three different learning styles, visual, auditory and kinesthetic. We took an assessment, and I discovered that I am mostly kinesthetic and visual. Our assignment for today is to share the gospel in each of the three learning styles.

I guess I'll start with auditory.

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have ever lasting life." This verse is the essence of the Gospel if you understand everything that is packed into it. The beginning is pretty self explanatory, God loves us. The next part, "that He gave his one and only son". The word "gave" has a lot of meaning. First we have to talk about the reason that God gave His one and only son. God is holy, or set apart, which means that He cannot stay in the presence of sin. Actually it would probably be more accurate to say that sin cannot stand in the presence of God. Anyway, everyone sins, everyone is sinful, everyone has sin imprinted on their DNA. Since sin cannot stand in God's presence there is no way for us to get to heaven. Only the righteous can stand in God's presence, but we cannot make ourselves righteous. However, God loves us, so He came up with a plan to give us righteousness. This is where God gives us His son. Jesus came down to earth and became a man. He lived and then died to take the penalty for our sin. Since God is holy and just He must punish sin, and the penalty for sin is death. So Jesus came and died to take the penalty of sin for us and give us His righteousness. But He also didn't just die for us to make us righteous; He rose from the dead to give us hope for triumph over the grave. "That whosoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life." This phrase is a simplified version of Romans 10:9. "If you confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord" and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved."

Now for the visual!

Picture this. A packed courtroom waiting to hear the trial of a serial killer. The Judge enters and makes His way to His desk. Order is called and the Judge asks how the defendant pleads. The killer stands up and everyone gets ready to hear his not guilty plea. However, as the defendant opens his mouth he starts to cry and says, "I am guilty. I did kill those people, and I take responsibility for all the hurt that I caused. I don't know why I killed all those people, but I don't want to kill anyone anymore. Please help me. I know that I can't change on my own, but please give me some help!" The Judge brings his gavel down, and declares the killer guilty and sentences him to death for his crimes. Everyone in the crowd cheers, and the defendant sits down and puts his head in his hands. From the back of the room a voice starts to shout over the crowd. "MERCY. GIVE HIM MERCY!" A young man stands up from the back and makes his way to the front of the courtroom. The Judges eyes mist over with a look of sadness and pride mixed in them. The young man reaches the defendant and puts his hand on the man's shoulder. "Father, grant this man mercy", He says to the Judge. "You heard what he said as well as I did. He knows he did wrong and desires not to do it again. How can you not grant him mercy?" "Someone has to pay the penalty for his crimes", replies the Judge. "You know the law as well as I do." The young man looked His Father straight in the eye and said calmly and surely, "Then let me take his place. Let me take his penalty, and give him the help he needs to live a right life. Give him mercy."

And for my kinesthetic example I drew a picture and gave it to our teacher because if I described the picture on here then it would become auditory!

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