Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's really not that bad :)

So today was Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. I don't really know what all this Sunday means or implies, but it's basically just celebrating human life and bringing awareness to options other than abortion. At least that's what I pick up every year.

I went home this weekend with a few things on my mind and a realization that real life isn't all roses and fun stuff like you believe when you're a little kid. I had been saying that real life just kinda stinks because I've got issues to deal with and decisions about college and relationships. But if you think about all the children who were never given the opportunity to live their lives, there's really not that much that we can complain about. Just think about all the living that we get to do because our mothers were commited to life. Think about every feeling, excruciating or joyful, every thought, brilliant or mundane, and every action, exciting or ordinary, that you have gotten to experience and learn from because you are alive. How grateful should we be for every moment we are alive, and instead I waste time complaining about how hard life is and what a pain real life is. Real life is real life; there's not much I can do about the stuff that just happens, but what I can do is be grateful for my life and make the most of it, maybe by helping others to choose life for their children or maybe in something else.

So yeah, that's really all I have to say, just be grateful for your life and don't waste it. God gave you life for a reason!

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