Monday, January 23, 2012

Can't see what's right in front of my face!

So today I had basically all day to myself and my thoughts, and it took me until about 3:30 to come up with anything deeper than the lyrics to Josh Kelley's song Naleigh Moon (which by the way is a GREAT song). But when I did have a deep thought it was about the study we are doing in LAUNCH called Truefaced. I;ve talked about Truefaced here before, but I'll explain about it a little again. Truefaced is about being real and taking off the masks that we hide behind. Something that it talks about is the "rooms" that we all live in. There are two different rooms; the room of good intentions where you try to live a better life on your own power. Then there's the room of Grace where we have all our problems out in the open and we work on them with Jesus at our side helping us. The way we get to the room of Grace is through humility, trusting God and others with who we really are. One day in class I mentioned that I hadn't ever heard of any of this, and they weren't using any scripture to back up what they were saying. Our teacher then informed me that he has a whole cd of another guy preaching about this stuff with boatloads of scripture.

Now to my significant thought of the day! I was thinking about all of that stuff I just talked about when Micah 6:8 popped into my head. It says, "He has shown you O man what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Did you pick up on that last part? "Walk humbly with your God." What I'm learning this year has been staring me in the face my whole life. I've tried and tried and tried to work my way free of sin, but that is not what God wants of me! What He wants, no requires, is to WALK HUMBLY WITH HIM through life. What a thought!

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