Wednesday, January 11, 2012

components of an effective team

so this assignment is about what it takes to have a good team. we went through 8 components of an effective team in class today, and we are suppose to summarize them for you. we also got a few worksheets about those components rating our team (LAUNCH) on the 8 components. for the second and third parts of the blog, we have to say which component we think that LAUNCH does best at and which component we think that we do worst at. "SO LET'S DO THIS THING!!!"
component #1: Direction: direction is basically where are we going, how are we gonna get there, what's gonna help us and what's gonna hurt us?
component #2: Talent: talent is basically do you have the skills needed to do what this team does, are those talents known and are they being developed?
component #3: Work Process: work process is how do we do what we do?
component #4: Roles: roles is knowing where you fit and what you're supposed to do.
component #5: Team Process: team process is basically how the team communicates with each other.
component#6: Team Norms: team norms are the regular behavior patterns and communication styles within the team.
component #7: Reinforcement: reinforcement is basically encouragement.
component #8: External Relations: external relations is basically where do we fit in the big picture.

i think that our team really doesn't do all that well at reinforcement or encouragement. it's not that we're always tearing each other down; we just don't speak up and praise someone when they do something well. that can be fixed though by simply paying attention and intentionally complimenting each other on a good job.

i think that we definitely do external relations well. we know exactly where we are on the "food chain" (at the bottom) and all of us (i'm pretty sure) embrace our roles and don't mind them at all.


  1. Do you get to learn forming, storming, norming, conforming, and performing? Ah, all the basics of effective teams. Prepare to go over it about a billion times in college!

  2. nope we didn't talk about that......but i can only imagine!!
