Monday, November 28, 2011

Organizational Structures

so today in class we were learning about different types of organizational structures. we were shown a diagram that looked like a graph from math class (bad memories!) except without all of the tiny squares. there were four quadrants divided by two perpendicular lines like the x and y axises on the math graph. on the left side of the "x-axis" was the word "internal", and on the right, "external". on the top of the "y-axis" is "flexibility", and on the bottom is "control". in each of the four quadrants is a term describing the type of organizational structures, and it is our blog assignment to explain this diagram to you, our wonderful follwers!!! and also to explain where hidden acres stands on the diagram.

so, the top left corner between "internal" and "flexibility" is "clan". the "clan" is focused on teamwork within the organizational structure. it could be considered more of a family than an organization because people within the structure don't view one person as more important than another, from the camp director to the lowly peons.

the top right quadrant between "flexibility" and "external" says, "adhocracy". an "adhocracy" is an organizational structure that emphasizes creativity in the programs and external activities and people. instead of just doing things the same way that they've been done. any idea from anywhere or anyone is given fair and equal consideration.

the bottom left quadrant between "internal" and "control" says "hierarchy". a "hierarchy" emphasizes conformity to the highest authority. what the big man says goes. the peons might not answer directly to the director, but if he pulls you aside and says, "go do this" or "son, do this this way", you don't question it, you just obey!

the bottom right quadrant between "external" and "control" says "market". a "market" sees other companies or camps in our situation as competition and tries to out distance the competition. the mentality isn't, "how can we better serve our customers?" it's, "how can we get people away from those other camps and into ours?"

we talked some in class about where hidden acres sits on the diagram, and we thought that it's somewhere in between a clan and a hierarchy. we are a lot like a family here, and we help each other as much as we can.  but we also have Earl. what Earl says goes, but even he is usually a part of the clan. however, if Earl sees something being done not right, he'll tell you and expect you to do it the way he says. so we kind of alternate between a clan and a hierarchy.

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