Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hidden Acres mission statement.......my version!

our assignment is to come up with what we think the mission statement of Hidden Acres is based on what we have seen and experienced here. and then in light of that to tell what we think our purpose for being at camp is. ready? i'm not!!

The mission of Hidden Acres is to:
-Provide a Christ focused campground set apart for the purpose of running summer camp programs and retreats throughout the year in the hope that people who step onto our property will experience the love of Jesus Christ like they never have before and will come to a saving knowledge of Him.

So, in light of that, I suppose my mission should be to show the love of Christ to the people who come through my actions and words. But I think that my purpose for being here is mostly selfish in that I'm trying to use this year to grow up some more before attending college and to get used to being on my own in an already familiar environment. But nobody's perfect and we will always have something to work towards until the day we day, so I guess I know what I should be striving for this year!

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