Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Trail Markers

So, today in class we learned about different stages in the christian walk and were given six different "trail markers" in every Christian's life. Our assignment is to blog about our personal journey and where we are with these "trail markers" in our own life; tell our story. So here goes mine.......

I didn't live a whole lot of life before I became a Christian, and I grew up going to church every sunday even nine months before I was born. I suppose that I was a normal child growing up, and by "normal" I mean whiny and fussy and completely self-centered. In fact we have a home video of myself taking my older sister's doll from her and then screaming when big brother tried to take charge and give Laura's doll back to her. So I guess I had a fairly normal pre-conversion childhood in a Christian home.

Well, I don't remember much about my conversion. I know that I was in Sparkys at the time, so I guesstimate that I was about 6. What I do remember is that one night after Sparkys as I was getting tucked into bed I told my mom that I wanted to "pray the prayer" and ask Jesus into my heart. So, I did and have been saved ever since.

Growth in Intimacy:
Well, being so young when I got saved I didn't really understand what I was doing or what was going on. Only recently have I started to really understand that I was probably just reacting to expectations. But also recently I have started understanding what the Christian life is all about. Sure, around eighth grade I started thinking that I needed to get serious about my faith, but that just simply resulted in me feeling bad that I wasn't stronger in my faith. I haven't really ever felt close to God, but just recently I started trying to spend time getting to know God and spend time with Him.

Development of Skills:
Well, I have always wanted to learn how to work with my hands and how to make things. I've never really had a chance to learn those things at home, but here at camp I'm working at the new chapel and learning many new skills that I've wanted to.

Servanthood Ministry:
Well, I have always liked to work and serve others in addition to being raised that way. I had suspected that my spiritual gift is serving, and when we took our spiritual gifts test at the beginning of LAUNCH, it was!!! So, I guess I think I'm doing a lot of servanthood ministry. I think that I'll probably be serving all my life.

Evangelism and Mentoring:
Well, during high school I had the opportunity to help a a troubled underclassman with his school work. Looking back now, I realize that instead of just trying to be his friend and letting Christ shine through my life, I tried to share Christ with him and show him "the error of his way". Unfortunately he died this past summer. While I was hanging out with him at school I was introduced to another guy, and we struck up a friendship. However for me, it was just taking him and his brother to youth group and saying "hi" in the halls. Looking back I regret my actions and hope that in the future I will be a more loving and friendly person.

Where I Would Like to Grow:
I think that the area I would most like to grow in would be intimacy with God. I think that if my relationship with God is right, then everything else will fall into place, at least that's what the Bible and other people have told me. Plus I want to know God more.

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